Sussex Industrial Archaeology Society (SIAS)

SIAS is a society for everyone interested in the industrial history of Sussex.

"You have to know the past to understand the present"
- Dr Carl Sagan

Amberley Museum De Witt Lime Kilns
Bolney Toll House


We hold winter lectures on industrial archaeology and local history from society members and guest speakers and organise summer visits to local attractions.


Hove Engineerium


Why not join the S.I.A.S. and enjoy the challenge of discovering the past? You will also be making a contribution to knowledge in the county for future generations.



We publish quarterly newsletters for both SIAS and the Mills Group, an annual journal Sussex Industrial History and books including Brickmaking in Sussex.

See publications

What We Do

Industrial archaeology covers a wide variety of topics, including raw materials and their processing, manufacturing, canals, roads railways, utilities, gas water and electricity and all their associated buildings and structures.

We campaign to save historic buildings and structures of IA interest from demolition or unsuitable conversion and have been successful in getting some important buildings listed.

SIAS has a Mills Group dedicated to the study of wind and water mills in the county, and membership of SIAS includes the Sussex Mills Group

SIAS is affiliated to Amberley Museum, the museum of the South’s working past, and the national body the Association for Industrial Archaeology.