The History of Chichester's Canal
by Alan H J Green
Since its publication by the Society in 2005 this book has sold well, with a second edition in 2006 and a reprint in 2007. An enlarged, third edition was produced in 2009 (ISBN 978-0-9512036-2-0) containing new and previously unpublished material, most especially about the pumping station at Ford. The Boulton & Watt drawings and specifications for Ford Pumping Station, together with John Rennie’s correspondence, were found at Birmingham City Library, enabling its story to be told for the first time. One of the drawings has been reproduced in the book so we at last know what the pumping station really looked like!
How to buy this book
The book is available from the Chichester Canal Shop and Kim’s bookshops in Chichester and
Alternatively it can be ordered direct from the Society by e-mail to g.mead@sussex.ac.uk. or Mob 078 2628 4526.
Price £9.00 plus 2nd class post and packing. An invoice for payment will be sent with the goods.

Brickmaking in Sussex
M. Beswick
First published in 1993 for the Sussex Industrial Archaeology Society and updated in 2001, Brickmaking in Sussex tells the story of bricks and tiles from their first appearance in Sussex 2000 years ago until the present day. Topics covered include: the raw materials available for brickmaking in Sussex, kiln design and operation, the subsidiary products of brick-yards such as pottery, terracotta and mathematical tiles, the economic factors which influenced both the progress of the industry and the lives of the brickmakers, and an account of some of the brickmaking families which flourished in the county for many, generations.
The second part is a gazetteer of over 850 brickyard sites, giving their location, approximate dates and names of the operators, where known.
The author has been active in the field of local history for many years, having written articles for Sussex Industrial History, compiled booklets on local village trades, and contributed a section on ‘Brick Tile and Pottery Manufacture’ to the ‘Historical Atlas of Sussex’.
This second edition of Brickmaking in Sussex includes a number of additions to the gazetteer reflecting new information which has come to light since 1993.
49 illustrations, including maps, drawings and photographs.
How to buy this book
The book can be ordered direct from the Society by e-mail to g.mead@sussex.ac.uk. or Mob 078
2628 4526.
Price £14.95 plus 2nd class post and packing. An invoice for payment will be sent with the goods.